Thursday, April 23, 2009

Skate deck
For more pics and to see the final product check out my flicker account.

artist research paper

My take on Jon Burgerman's style of art.

Sculpey Toy

Ok, so here's the process of making a toy from day 0- now. Using sculpey, wire, paint, a wooden block and lots of patience.

soya painting

This was an in class assignment to create a mock-up for a restaurant menu. It had a Japanese theme and was done using only Soya Sauce as the medium.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Team Hungry!!!
Consists of :
Hanna Tran
Anastasia Nesterova
Thea Schweitzer Mizuhara
Stephanie Ursic
and me
Yelena Zharnitskaya

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Short but sweet picture story

Here's a quick picture story using my own 3-d vector artwork

Time COMING SOON... or not

So what would happen if we all decided to throw out the concept of time. Would it really be as crazy as it seems? Anarchy Anyone?

Probably not! What if we kept track of time in a different manner. Like for instance, the amount of times we smiled. What if there was a device that kept track of every time that we happen to smile? And say that we couldn't have any business meeting start until everyone had smiled, or that we weren't allowed to leave our houses until we had smiled. It gets complicated because our smiling 'time' wouldn't coincide with other individuals smiling 'time', however it wouldn't really matter because we'd be keeping track of our smiles, and not be dependent on meetings, and/or appointments without the actuality of time. Maybe this is too unrealistic.

Perhaps , to be continued, at another time,... or not.